Policies, Rules & Forms
Curling Canada
Curling Canada’s Rules for General Play–2022-2026
Curling Canada’s Rules of Curling for Officiated Play 2022-2026
Curling Canada’s Mixed Doubles Rules for Officiated Play-Posted Oct 2019
Curling Canada/Curling NB Safety First Policy
Safe Sport
Curling NB, in alignment with Curling Canada, has recently adopted a full suite of policies to allow it to implement a best practices Safe Sport program in order to ensure that all participants in the sport of curling in New Brunswick can participate in an environment that is free from harassment, abuse or any other unwelcome conduct or behaviour. These policies can be found below.
Safe Sport Helpline: 1 (888) 837-7678
NB Safe Sport Dispute Resolution Program-Policies
NB Safe Sport Dispute Resolution Program-Guidelines
NB Safe Sport Dispute Resolution Program-Report a Complaint
Curling Canada Residency Eligibility Rules & On Line Registration
Curling Canada 8 Ender Submission Form