Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Ice Technician

Ice Technician Program Information

Requests to host a Provincial Ice Tech Course can be made by contacting the Curling NB Executive Director.  (nbca@nb.sympatico.ca)


1. Assistant Curling Ice Technician (2023-24 pricing= $125/participant)

The Assistant Curling Ice Technician Program will train participants in the basic duties of curling ice maintenance, under the supervision of a CERTIFIED Curling Ice Technician.  At the completion of this program, participants will be TRAINED Assistant Curling Ice Technicians. Ideal for volunteers and young people who will hep with daily maintenance and between draws.

  • One day workshop
  • No pre-requisites required
  • Delivered by Member Association Ice Tech Course Facilitator
  • Meets pre-requisite for Curling Ice Technician Program

2. Curling Ice Technician Program (2023-24 pricing= $275/participant)

This program will train participants on how to install, remove and maintain ice for league and bonspiel play in a dedicated facility for curling. This is for the individual who is looking for a career in ice making, new to the industry and who require the skills of installing, maintaining, and removing ice in a dedicated curling facility for league and bonspiel play. This individual may be required to supervise Assistant Ice Technicians.

  • Two options of in-person delivery:
  • Option A:  2.5 days (Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday). Theoretical discussion about installation
  • Option B:  3-4 days. Practical application installation-length of course dependent on the status of club’s installation status.
  • One of four pre-requisites required:
    • Trained Assistant Curling Ice Technician, OR
    • Completion of World Curling Federation-Introduction to Ice Maintenance (Online), OR
    • 12 months working at a curling facility under the supervision of a Certified Ice Technician (letter required), OR
    • Former Level 1 Ice Technician Course
  • Delivered by Member Association Ice Tech Course Facilitator
  • Meets one of the pre-requisites for the Competition Ice Technician Program

COMPETITION ICE TECHNICIAN PROGRAM is delivered by Curling Canada. For further information, contact Curling NB at  nbca@nb.sympatico.ca.

Requests to consult with the Curling NB Provincial Ice Tech, Chris Tapley, can be made by contacting him directly.  (icetec@live.ca)