NBCA Contacts
New Brunswick Curling Association
65 Newcastle Centre Rd.
Newcastle Centre, NB, E4B2L2
Office-(506) 327-3445
Fax: (506) 388-5708
(NOTE: Area code for all NB phone numbers is –506–)
Executive Director | President | Youth Development Director | Technical Director |
Marg Maranda | Gail Samaan | Kevin Kyle | John Corbin |
nbca@nb.sympatico.ca | nbcapres@gmail.com | nbcayouthdirector@gmail.com | nbcatechdir@gmail.com |
W- 327-3445 | C- 651-6114 | C- 478-0370 | H- 357-6174 |
C- 327-5112 |
NBCA Board of Directors | NBCA Designated Appointees |
President: Gail Samaan nbcapres@gmail.com (H-849-4052, C- 651-6114) | Master Learning Facilitator: Brian Rice Ricebrr4@icloud.com (H-386-2137) |
Executive Vice President: Stephen Thompson stephen32thompson@gmail.com (C-645-8596) | Provincial Ice Technician: Chris Tapley icetec@live.ca (C- 533-6490) |
Associate Vice President: Brenda Allison brenda@ccmanb.com (C-754-3124) | Provincial Draw Master: Ben Smith benkathy@nbnet.nb.ca (H- 849-7441) |
Past President: N/A | 2027 Canada Winter Games Director: Gary Wilson nbcacwgcoord@gmail.com |
North West Zone Director: Jacob Elsinga jacobelsinga@outlook.com (C-324-3586) | NBCA Web Master: Marg Maranda nbca@nb.sympatico.ca |
Central Zone Director: James Grattan grattan.james@gmail.com | Provincial Umpires Coordinator: Catherine MacLean nbcaofficiating@gmail.com (C-381-2292) |
South East Zone Director: Arnold Mallais mallaisap@rogers.com (863-8456) | Wheelchair Curling: Wayne Cooper wcooper@nbnet.nb.ca |
South West Zone Director: Mary Astorino astorino@unb.ca (C-230-2189) | Curling NB Competitions Director: Catherine MacLean nbcacompetitions@gmail.com (C-381-2292) |
South Zone Director: Arnold Anderson arnold.anderson66@gmail.com | Province of NB Sports Consultant: Christine Powers-Tomsons |
North East Zone Director: VACANT | Curling NB Live Score Coordinator: S.D. Thompson reachforthetop9@gmail.com |
NB Players’ Committee Chair: Kendra Lister nbcaplayers@gmail.com (C-232-4944) | Curling NB Live Streaming: Stephen Muzzerall curlnblive@gmail.com |
NB Youth Development Director: Kevin Kyle (Contact Info Above) | Curling NB Newsletter: Gail Samaan nbcapres@gmail.com |
NBCA Technical Director: John Corbin (Contact Info Above) | High Performance Coach: Daryell Nowlan NBCACoach@gmail.com |
Revised: June 2023 |