Wednesday, March 12, 2025
NB Curling News

Government of NB Implements Additional Covid Restrictions For Sport

We sincerely regret to inform you that as per today’s GNB press conference, the Province will move to a modified Level 2 phase.

As of tomorrow (December 13th at 11:59pm) organized sport and recreation will be restricted as follows:

  • All sport and recreation activities for youth under the age of 12 are suspended until further notice (not just school sports);
  • All other sport and recreation activities for those over the age of 12 are limited to physically distanced practices and/or skills and drills within a single team.
    • No games or competitions allowed including any events that were pre-scheduled.
    • COVID-19 operational plans are required and must address physical distancing and sanitization requirements.
    • Travel in and out of public health regions not permitted for sport and recreation except for a 12&over participant who is on a regular season team/group from a border community (not for regional/provincials or sessional skills camps)  

The Sport and Recreation Branch will share an updated document with details as soon as we receive clarifications from the Public Health team. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Sport and Recreation Branch

Dept. of Tourism, Heritage and Culture (THC)