Tuesday, October 22, 2024
NB Curling News

Province Suspends Bonspiels Until Mid January

Good afternoon,

As announced at todays GNB Press Conference and this news release, please note that all indoor or outdoor sport tournaments, bonspiels, meets, etc. are not permitted until at least mid-January. This official directive is to support the guidance that was given to PSOs on December 9th and is in effect immediately regardless for all sport organizations/businesses regardless if a PSO had previously determined that tournaments under 150 participants would be allowed at this time.

A regular game between 2 individuals or 2 teams is allowed. Please note that additional guidance on tournaments/larger events will not be provided until January. For all other questions related to sport, please refer to the attached Frequently Asked Questions document. Also note that the FAQ version on the website may not be updated until January.